Monday, December 27, 2010

Alcohol - Benefits and Drawbacks


Alcohol is been used since prehistoric times.  Its primarily consumed for the mood it invokes.  Ethyl alcohol is  the main ingredient of alcoholic beverages.  It is made by fermentation of starch or sugar. Almost any sweet or starchy food like potatoes, grains, honey, grapes and other fruits, even dandelions can be turned into alcohol. Unlike most foods, alcohol is not digested but gets absorbed into the blood stream.  Due to this nature of Alcohol there are few benefits and drawbacks.


·         Consumed moderately lowers the risk of heart attack and reduces the risk of clot formation.

·         Regular consumption of small quantities shall aid in improving appetite and aid digestion

·         Promotes  happy mood.


·         Becomes an addiction

·         Prevents medication from healing

·         Regular consumption over a period of time increases the  risk of cancers, as well as heart and liver disease.

Recent studies have found that drinking small amounts of alcohol, especially red wine, lowers the risk of a heart attack. Studies also have proven having two alcoholic drinks a day offers more than double the protection from cardiovascular disease than one drink provides. The risk of a heart attack lowers because alcohol reduces the detrimental effects of elevated blood cholesterol while also preventing clot formation. In this study levels of bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein, or LDL) lowered, as did triglyceride levels: High levels of either raise the risk of heart disease.   However, moderation is the key property,  alcohol can be beneficial until consumed moderately.  Excessive consumption may lead to may health problems.

1 comment:

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