Monday, March 05, 2012

Do not starve to become slim

People who want to slim down should never starve. Several days of starving increases the craving for food. To prevent over eating impulse the stomach must be filled and the body’s requirements of vital nutrients must be met.

The intake and choice of foods should not be restricted too radically because the rapid weight loss creates adverse effects. A basic slimming diet consists of vegetables, legumes, fruit, leafy greens, nuts, saltwater fish, lean meat, poultry and milk or dairy products. The diet should be balanced.

Slight changes in the diet will certainly help in burning the fat in a healthy way. Occasional indulgence in desired low fat chocolates/sweets is permissible. The weight loss should be gradual and should not cut down the metabolic rate.

Courtesy : The hindu, Wellness, 5/3/2012

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