Friday, June 09, 2006

Breath Control - Tips to Cure Asthma

Asthma and other breath related diseases are often caused by wrong breathing habits. Patients can overcome such diseases using pranayama, which is an ancient yogic practice to cure most of the health issues by breathing technics in specific postures.

Breathing is the only major source over which every human being has some conscious control. Other important operations like the heart-beat or digestion are beyond the control. Diseases like asthma are often caused by wrong breathing habits and other factors like diet. Such diseases can be overcomed by successfully using the methods of breath control, pranayama and posture. Experts have shown that the irregular breathing done at nght during sleep causes many heart diseases.
The theory of asanas and prayamas offer clues for getting good, restful sleep for delaying the onset of fatigue so that one can work productively over longer period of time. All the breathing methods mentioned here can be done by men and women.

Pranayama or breath control

Select a clean, airy and well-ventilated place. Do not eat or drink before a lapse of 15-20 minutes. Lie on the ground completely at ease with legs and hands separated with palms open. Use a thin pillow for head if needed. This posture relaxes the body and allows prana to be easily absorbed and distributed. Inhaling should be smooth and without jerks. Always inhale when energy is required by raising arms from chest level above shoulders, lifting weights, etc.
Always exhale when energy is required for the performance of the action. Duration of each pranayama or asana is indicated by the total number of rounds’ each round is made of one inhalation and one exhalation.


It is the basic posture for pranayama. It is widely taught that vajrasana promotes good digestion. In terms of meridian theory, the medial and lateral areas of the leg below the knee touch the floors and thus gets stimulated. It also stimulates the mooladhara charka. The upper – half of the body in Vajrasana exerts weight on urinary bladder and kidney meridians, running on the lack of the leg and inside.

Abdominal or Diaphragm Breathing

Sit any comfortable cross-legged posture with legs below hips. It is called sukha asana. Here the abdomen and diaphragm move in a complementary way. During inhalation, the diaphragm which is shaped like an inverted cup contracts downwards and abdomen expands. During exhalation the diaphragm moves up and the abdomen contracts.

Mudra or Finger Positions

Chin Mudra: The index finger touches the thumb, others are separate and open.

Chin-maya Mudra: Same as chinmudra with the finers pressing the palm.

Adi Mudra: The thumb enclosed in the fist.

For more Tips for Good health

Courtesy: Indian Express

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